Amanda suffers from androphobia, a real fear of men, which drives her to systematically destroy any love relationship that might become serious. Florence, her best friend, dreams of seeing her commit to a stable and harmonious emotional relationship. She insists that Amanda doesn’t stay alone at home on New Year’s Eve and manages to convince her to come to the party. . . and the story begins.
Cast & Crew
Director : Laura Morante
Screenplay : Laura Morante, Danièle Constantini
Starring : Laura Morante, Pascal Elbé, Isabelle Carré, Samir Guesmi
Schedule & Presentation
Saturday, March 23 – Midnight at the Byrd Theater ~ 1h23 ~ General Audience
More informations
Choose a picture to see the filmography (source : IMDB)
How would you describe the character Amanda, the heroine that you play in the film?
There is a fear in Amanda for reality not fulfilling her desires. Of course, our reference to Freud’s essay is only for fun. In order to avoid disappointment, Amanda does employ a self defense mechanism. Her fear changes her into someone else revealing the worst in her.
How was the idea for La Cerise sur le gâteau born?
In stages. In the beginning, with a single scene: the one in which Amanda breaks up with her boyfriend because he absent-mindedly eats the only cherry off their anniversary cake. The misunderstanding, as well as the metaphor of The Beauty and the Beast, came later.
Fear acts on Amanda just as the spell on the prince in the tale transforming him into a terrible beast. Only the sentiment of shared love will return him to his original appearance.
Did you make any other references in the film, for example Woody Allen?
The most deliberate references are the drawings of Charles Monroe Schulz and the disenchanted and innocent universe of Snoopy. Amanda is partially inspired by Lucy. The planetarium scenes are an “elaboration” of the drawings in which Charly Brown and Linus contemplate the night sky and ponder the meaning of life.