Presentation by and discussion with director Yves Jeuland & editor Lizi Gelber
Summer 2014. The President of the Republic François Hollande is preparing for the new political year. But, a war in Iraq, a storm on the Ile de Sein, cabinet members resigning from office and a vengeful and destructive book on his personal life are getting in the way of the presidential rhythm. And yet, inside the Élysée, life goes on. But the press is hungry and losing patience during these political and mediatized times. On December 31st, the President wishes France a Happy New Year. On January 7th, the alarm sounds and Paris becomes the world’s capital. WE ARE CHARLIE!
Over six months, from the summer of 2014 to January 2015, Yves Jeuland’s camera captured the reversal of power, the turbulences of a presidency, the constant pas de deux with the press. We see the President in his daily life. We are with him inside his car, his plane, his office, always accompanied by his precious counselor Gaspard Gantzer and his astonishing Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Jouyet, through hardship and rainy days : un temps de Président.
Director • Yves Jeuland
Editing • Lizi Gelber
Director of Photography • Yves Jeuland
Producer • La Générale de Production
The Cultural Service of the French Embassy:
Supporting Contribution for Documentary Screenings
Three seasons inside the Presidential Palace, l’Élysée: Yves Jeuland films the corridors of power and explain how this project came about.
It was on June 13th, 2014. I found myself in the office of the President of the Republic for an impromptu, unplanned meeting, a one-on-one discussion lasting nearly an hour. Gifted with an extraordinary memory, François Hollande recalls a 2001 encounter, [when he was still Secretary of the Socialist Party]. He reminds me of some forgotten details of our conversation and of the aborted film I was to make on Lionel Jospin. He tells me “And yet it was a good idea. By the way, Jospin never really showed what was under the shell.” “If I may, neither did you . . .” François Hollande takes a moment to think, then shows a discreet smile. “Would it mean that if I were to accept being filmed by you I would have a brighter electoral fate than Jospin? One should think twice before turning you down!” He laughs, then gathers himself. “It is true that I also have a tendency to pull into my own shell, stay behind the armor; few people really know me.” Two months later, it was the beginning of the filming. I had often had the opportunity to shoot the political sphere and politicians, in their race to power – Paris à tout prix, Un village en campagne – or in the last months of a reign – Le Président, Delanoë libéré; but never had I shot the exercising of power.

Press Kit “A l’Elysée, un temps de Président”
French ~ 14 pages ~ 818 Ko ~ pdf