director: Cecilia Marreiros Marum producer:
Arnaud Demuynck production: Les Films du Nord genre:
“Bonhommes” is the story of two
“little men”. The first is a five year-old boy. The
second is the creation of the first, a snowman. When the first little
man decides to build his snowman, he puts all of his energy, imagination,
enthusiasm, and – most importantly – all his hope into
it. But the snowman can’t quite live up to all of the child’s
expectations; he can be his playmate and his friend, but he cannot
“weather” all that life throws at them… The little
boy must therefore make the leap from creator to knight in shining
armor: proud, protective, inventive, and zealous!

director: Sylvie Léonard producer:
Patrick Eveno, Jacques-Rémy Girerd music:
Fairuz narrated by: Eva Biermann production: Folimage
Valence Production genre: animation
Through the watchful eyes of a woman, we observe
the return of a young man after years of separation. What still
ties them together? Why did the separation take place? A tragedy
in 3 scenes: expectation, confrontation, and acceptance.
De la tête
aux pieds
director: Pascal Lahmani producer:
Frédéric Pelle starring: Dora Doll,
Dominique Frot, Marie Berto, Marie Payen, Catherine Van Hecke, Sylvie
Jobert, Jenny Leignel-Bernay, Anne-Marie Bertrand music:
Macassis, Picou production: Bianca Films genre:
Chalais, autumn, 1943. A gathering of mothers,
all working as cooks during World War II.

et Gar
director: Philippe Gamer producer:
Marc Obéron screenplay: Olivier Jean music:
Pascal Lafa voices: Benoît Poelvoorde, Elie
Semoun production: LDM Productions genre:
animation running time: 2mn
Gouille and Gar are a pair of gargoyles of
the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perched atop the cathedral’s
North Wing for 768 years, they’ve become an old couple –
complete with all the complicities and the rivalries that come with
age. At times friends, at times enemies, they certainly liven up
the scenery… |
La Collection
de Judicaël
director: Corinne Garfin starring:
Nicolas Quilliard music: Yohann Bernard producer:
Colette Garfin production: Delcor Productions genre:
A man sits at home, alone, surrounded by a
collection of hundreds of glass jars, all empty. Or so it seems… |

director: Ron Dyens starring:
Lucie Duchêne, Régis Romele producer:
Ron Dyens music: Martini production:
Sacrebleu Productions genre: fiction
In the seaside Normandy town of Deauville,
during the 1920s, a pair of lovebirds find themselves on the beach.
But due to technical difficulties…
Le Fabuleux
Destin de Perrine Martin
director: Olivier Ciappa starring:
Anne-Juliette Vassort, Camille Saféris, Titoff, and the voices
of Roger Carel and Chantal Goya producer: Patrick
Maurin production: AntiProd genre:
Perrine has just left the theatre. Completely
enthralled by the fictional character of Amélie Poulain,
she decides to become a do-gooder… |
de Hurledents
director: Jacques Richard starring:
Jean-Pierre Léaud producer: Jacques Richard
music: Charles Trénet, Antoine Duhamel,
Georges Delerue, Michel Legrand, Jean Constantin production:
Les Films Elémentaires genre: documentary
Jean-Pierre Léaud strolls among the
graves of the Montparnasse cementary. He recalls the memory of Henri
Langlois, Marcel l’Herbier, Jean Seberg, Jacques Demy, …and
“François”. He takes the opportunity to take
out his anger on his bloodthirsty dentist!

de la boîte
director: Slony Sow producer:
Alexandre Mehring music: Nicolas Bikialo narrated
by: Jacques Frantz starring: Bruno Therasse,
Pauline Delpech, Denis Pascual production: Fantaisie
Films, Trafic Production genre: fiction
A fantastic tale becomes an urban myth . .
. Love is stronger than fate. This is the marvelous story of a man
who lives in boxes and a girl who lives in scenes. Their love is
threatened by the unexpected turns of destiny.
sans tête
director: Juan Solanas starring:
Alain Hocine, Ambre Boukebza, Salah Teskouk, Stéphane Botti,
Chritsophe Botti producer: Aton Soumache &
Alexis Vonarb music: Vincent Artaud production:
Onyx Productions genre: fiction
A modest room overlooking a vast industrial
landscape. In the distance, the sea reaches as far as the eye can
see. A few dance steps are taken to the beat of an outdated and
infectious tune. A bowtie is knotted. From a framed photograph,
the lovely gaze of the one he loves. The headless man is preparing
for his “gentleman caller” date. Tonight, he will declare
his love, and to mark the occasion, he has decided to buy himself
a head… |


director: Eric Jameux producer:
Stéphanie Carreras music: Antonio Vivaldi,
Eric Jameux, Patrick Coutin, Quentin Ogier starring:
Sophie Quinton, Christophe Giordano production:
Lazennec Tout Court genre: fiction
Thierry offers Karine a ride in his car parked
in a parking lot by the housing projects. Things are tense between
them. As a way of making it up to her, Thierry gives his girlfriend
a pendant inscribed with a love note… Against all odds, Karine
takes the sentence the wrong way. Little by little, the reconciliation
becomes a misunderstanding, and then an argument.
« Pov’fille
! »
director: Jean-Luc Baraton & Patrick Maurin
starring: Axelle Laffont, Sébastien Charles,
Aurélien Recoing producer: Patrick Maurin
production: AntiProd genre: fiction
Suddenly alone and pregnant, Esther is also
on the verge of turning thirty. She rejects a proposal from her
loving but unapologetically gay roommate, Gontran, to raise the
child together. |


director: Xavier Marquis narrated by:
Xavier Marquis genre: animation
An “exceptional somebody” turns
to the camera to begin a long tirade criticizing the crowds: those
same crowds that flood the tourist spots, the supermarkets on Saturday
afternoon, and public gardens every Sunday…
Ta sœur
director: Martin Valente starring:
Lorant Deutsch, Dan Herzberg, Emilie Blon-Metzinger, Alain Figlarz
producer: Philippe Kauffmann music:
Denis Mériaux production: Champ Contrechamp
genre: fiction
“Are you in love with my sister?”
“I’m not in love with your sister!”
“I’m tellin’ you, you’re in love with my
“In love with your sister? In your dreams!” |
