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| feature films |
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Festival Feature Films (March 27-29)
French director, actress, screenwriter, producer and author Josiane Balasko and actor George Aguilar present Cliente
director Josiane Balasko screenplay Josiane Balasko based on the novel Cliente by Josiane Balasko starring Nathalie Baye, Éric Caravaca, Isabelle Carré, George Aguilar running time 1 h 45 min Although not rated, parental guidance suggested.
Special congratulations to Josiane Balasko — nominated for World Cinema Dramatic Competition for her film Cliente at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. |
Judith, an attractive and well-balanced woman in her 50s, runs a home shopping show. Divorced, she lives alone with her sister and confidante Irène who knows her secret: Judith regularly treats herself to sexual services from young men whom she selects from an online escort site. Like so, Judith meets Patrick, whose kindness, charm and simplicity she finds attractive. Yet Patrick, who is really Marco, is married and deeply in love with his wife Fanny, who thinks her husband is working at a construction site. …
Josiane Balasko
2008 |
Cliente |
L’Elégance du hérisson by Mona Achache |
Bancs publics (Versailles rive droite) by Bruno Podalydès |
Musée haut musée bas by Jean-Michel Ribes |
2007 |
L’Auberge rouge by Gérard Krawczyk |
La Clef by Guillaume Nicloux |
2005 |
La Vie est à nous! by Gérard Krawczyk |
J’ai vu tuer Ben Barka by Serge Le Peron |
2004 |
Les Bronzés 3 – Amis pour la vie by Patrice Leconte |
Madame Edouard by Nadine Monfils |
L’ Ex-Femme de ma vie |
2003 |
Cette femme-là by Guillaume Nicloux |
2002 |
Le Raid by Djamel Bensalah |
2001 |
Absolument fabuleux by Gabriel Aghion |
Un crime au paradis by Jean Becker |
2000 |
Les Acteurs by Bertrand Blier |
Le Libertin by Gabriel Aghion |
1999 |
Le Fils du Français by Gérard Lauzier |
1998 |
Un grand cri d’amour |
1997 |
Arlette by Claude Zidi |
1995 |
Gazon maudit |
1994 |
Grosse fatigue by Michel Blanc |
1993 |
L’Ombre du doute by Aline Issermann |
Tout le monde n’a pas eu la chance d’avoir des parents communistes by Jean-Jacques Zilbermann |
1991 |
Ma vie est un enfer |
1989 |
Trop belle pour toi by Bertrand Blier |
1988 |
Une nuit à l’Assemblée Nationale by Jean-Pierre Mocky |
1987 |
Les Keufs |
1986 |
Nuit d’ivresse by Bernard Nauer |
Les Frères Pétard by Hervé Palud |
1985 |
Tranches de vie by François Leterrier |
Sac de nœuds |
1984 |
P’tit con by Gérard Lauzier |
La Smala by Jean-Loup Hubert |
La Vengeance du serpent à plumes by Gérard Oury |
1983 |
Papy fait de la Résistance by Jean-Marie Poiré |
Signes extérieurs de richesse by Jacques Monnet |
1982 |
Le Père Noël est une ordure by Jean-Marie Poiré |
1981 |
Clara et les chics types by Jacques Monnet |
Les Hommes préfèrent les grosses by Jean-Marie Poiré |
Hôtel des Amériques by André Téchiné |
Le Maître d’école by Claude Berri |
1980 |
Retour en force by Jean-Marie Poiré |
1979 |
Les Bronzés font du ski by Patrice Leconte |
Les Héros n’ont pas froid aux oreilles by Charles Nemes |
1978 |
Les Bronzés by Patrice Leconte |
Les Petits Câlins by Jean-Marie Poiré |
1977 |
Pauline et l’ordinateur by Francis Fehr |
1976 |
Le Locataire by Roman Polanski |
2006 |
Dernier rappel director and lead actress |
1996 |
Un grand cri d’amour director and lead actress |
1988 |
L’Ex-Femme de ma vie director and lead actress |
1986 |
Nuit d’ivresse directed by Bernard Nauer |
1977 |
Amour, Coquillages et Crustacés |
1976 |
Reprise de la pipelette ne pipa pas |
1972 |
Pot de terre contre pot de vin |
Ginette Lacaze directed by Coluche |
Quand je serai grande, Je serai paranoïaque director and lead actress |
1970 |
La Pipelette ne pipa pas |
2006 |
Parano express |
UGénération Splendid |
2005 |
Dernier rappel |
Cliente |
2004 |
Bunny’s Bar |
Le Père Noel est une ordure |
2000 |
L’Ex-Femme de ma vie |
1997 |
Un grand cri d’amour |
1992 |
Nuit d’ivresse |
Nathalie Baye
selected films since 1996
2008 |
Cliente by Josiana Balasko |
Passe-passe by Tonie Marshall |
Les Bureaux de Dieu by Claire Simon |
2007 |
Le Prix à payer by Alexandra Leclère |
Michou d’Auber by Thomas Gilou |
2006 |
Acteur by Jocelyn Quivrin |
Mon fils à moi by Martial Fougeron |
La Californie by Jacques Fieschi |
Ne le dis à personne by Guillaume Canet |
2005 |
Le Petit lieutenant by Xavier Beauvois |
L’un reste l’autre part by Claude Berri |
2004 |
Une vie à t’attendre by Thierry Klifa |
2003 |
France boutique by Tonie Marshall |
Les Sentiments by Noémie Lvovsky |
La Fleur du mal by Claude Chabrol |
2001 |
Absolument fabuleux by Gabriel Aghion |
Barnie et ses petites contrariétés by Bruno Chiche |
2000 |
Ça ira mieux demain by Jeanne Labrune |
Selon Matthieu by Xavier Beauvois |
1999 |
Vénus Beauté (Institut) by Tonie Marshall |
Une liaison pornographique by Frédéric Fonteyne |
1998 |
Paparazzi by Alain Berbérian |
Si je t’aime, prends garde à toi by Jeanne Labrune |
1997 |
Food of love by Stephen Poliakoff |
1996 |
Enfants de salaud by Tonie Marshall |
Éric Caravaca
2008 |
Cliente by Josiane Balasko |
Nuit de chien by Werner Schroeter |
De moins en moins by Mélanie Laurent |
Affaire de famille by Claus Drexel |
2007 |
La Chambre des morts by Alfred Lot |
J’attends quelqu’un by Jérôme Bonnell |
2006 |
Les Ambitieux by Catherine Corsini |
Mon Colonel by Laurent Herbiet |
Le Concile de pierre by Guillaume Nicloux |
La Raison du plus faible by Lucas Belvaux |
2005 |
Le Passager |
2004 |
Inguélézi by François Dupeyron |
2003 |
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran by François Dupeyron |
Son frère by Patrice Chéreau |
Elle est des nôtres by Siegrid Alnoy |
2002 |
Novo by Jean-Pierre Limosin |
Les Amants du Nil by Éric Heumann |
2001 |
La Chambre des officiers by François Dupeyron |
2000 |
La Parenthèse enchantée by Michel Spinosa |
Sans plomb by Muriel Téodori |
1999 |
La Vie ne me fait pas peur by Noémie Lvovsky |
C’est quoi la vie? by François Dupeyron |
Rien à faire by Marion Vernoux |
1998 |
La Voie est libre by Stéphane Clavier |
Beaucoup trop loin by Olivier Jahan |
1997 |
L’Amour est à réinventer: Dedans by Marion Vernoux |
1996 |
Un samedi sur la terre by Diane Bertrand |
Nicotine by Pablo Lopez-Paredes |
Isabelle Carré
2008 |
Cliente by Josiane Balasko |
Musée haut, musée bas by Jean-Michel Ribes |
2007 |
Le Renard et l’enfant by Luc Jacquet |
Les Bureaux de Dieu by Claire Simon |
Anna M. by Michel Spinosa |
2006 |
Quatre étoiles by Christian Vincent |
Cœurs by Alain Resnais |
2005 |
L’ Avion by Cédric Kahn |
Entre ses mains by Anne Fontaine |
2004 |
Holy Lola by Bertrand Tavernier |
2003 |
Je suis votre homme by Danièle Dubroux |
Les Sentiments by Noémie Lvovsky |
La Légende de Parva by Jean Cubaud |
Toute une histoire by Jean Rousselot |
2002 |
À la folie, pas du tout! by Laetitia Colombani |
2001 |
Mercredi folle journée! by Pascal Thomas |
Bella ciao by Stéphane Giusti |
Se souvenir des belles choses by Zabou Breitman |
2000 |
L’Envol by Steve Suissa |
Ça ira mieux demain by Jeanne Labrune |
J’peux pas dormir by Guillaume Canet |
Le Goût du couscous by Claude Duty |
1999 |
Les Enfants du marais by Jean Becker |
Les Enfants du siècle by Diane Kurys |
La Bûche by Danièle Thompson |
De source sûre by Laurent Tirard |
Superlove by Jean-Claude Janer |
1998 |
La Mort du Chinois by Jean-Louis Benoit |
1997 |
La Femme défendue by Philippe Harel |
Les Soeurs Soleil by Jeannot Szwarc |
1996 |
Beaumarchais, l’insolent by Edouard Molinaro |
1995 |
Le Hussard sur le toit by Jean-Paul Rappeneau |
1992 |
Beau fixe by Christian Vincent |
Dober Man by Tim Southam |
1991 |
La Reine blanche by Jean-Loup Hubert |
1989 |
Romuald et Juliette by Coline Serreau |
Interview with Josiane Balasko
You wrote and published the book, Cliente, that was very successful, then you made it into a movie. Why this approach rather against the grain for a director?
In reality, I had first written a screenplay but I did not have any success finding money to make a movie out of it.
Yes, shocking. A 50-year-old woman, rich and stable, who has paid sexual relations with men much younger than her — that was not accepted. I knew while writing the screenplay, that I was touching on something a little taboo. But, while trying to produce it, I realized that my subject was much more taboo than I thought. That being said, I believe it was not a censure problem, but an economic problem: nobody wanted to take risks. They responded to me by saying it was not a popular subject, that it wouldn’t work.
How did the idea come to you? Did you know women who pay escorts? Had you read any articles, done any research?
In general, girlfriends do not tell these types of stories. Maybe some of my friends do it, but I ignore which ones. I had read some articles, seen television programs, but I did not conduct any particular investigation. I first started out from feelings to construct my story. It happens to be that I have a certain number of friends, close to or in their 50s, who find themselves alone. Either because they did not meet the right man to uphold a lasting relationship, or because they are divorced. Many people separate around 40 or 45. Men start a new life, have other children. Something which is impossible for women.
What were your readers’ reactions? Did you have the impression you touched on something important?
The book without a doubt touched women because I also addressed the question of feminine pleasure, without being shocking. Not in a technical way, but in venturing myself into masculine territory. Finally, it is always men who control women’s pleasure.
Who is Marco, truly? He’s a double character.
He is a very generous man. His escort work allows his wife to pay the bills of her hair salon, his parents-in-law and his grandmother to survive. He is very organized with his double life but he does not feel any shame about it, because he is doing it for a good reason. I wanted a charming young man and I find that Eric has an incredible amount of charm, a touch of femininity. Women are very sensitive to it since there is no dangerousness in him. He also has grace in his manners, tenderness. One can completely understand his success with women.
You excel, like always, in the description of this lower middle class milieu.
Probably because I myself come from a lower middle class background. My parents ran a bistro, we rubbed elbows with a lot of different people. As a result, I do not have problems in expressing and bringing to life characters that resemble them. This movie talks about love but also money: poor people talk all the time about money because they do not have any. My characters are not homeless people, but they are ordinary people, people who go to Wal-Mart to do their shopping and who have trouble making ends meet, which is the case of many French. Fanny’s family spends their time yelling at one another; it is kind of like an Italian family. Everyone suffers from lack of privacy. The less rich you are, the more your private life space is restrained.
On the opposite side, Irène and Judith live in large apartments. They are active and successful women, but are not caricatures of typical rich upper class women. Judith has earned her money by herself, it did not happen to fall from heaven. She is the CEO of a small enterprise.
In fact, whatever social background they come from, whatever jobs they hold, those women share the same problem of loneliness.
Yes, the film talks about women’s loneliness. About all those lonely women of all ages, alone for all different reasons.
You are used to working with the same team of technicians?
Yes. The costumes are created by Fabienne Katany. I have been working with her since Gazon maudit and I worked with set designer Olivier Radot on my previous film L’Ex-Femme de ma vie. Michel Kharat, the sound engineer, also worked on that film as well as Dominique Hennequin for the mixing. I asked Robert Alazraki to take care of lighting. As a director, it is the first time I worked with him, but I had worked with him before as an actress.